Photo of Russell Kott

Russell provides years of experience to the Technical Support Success Team to assure quality and efficient customer service. While growing within his role as a technical support specialist, he utilizes his time to focus energy in improving skills towards development and design to improve his role within the company and his future career.

It has been six months now that our customer success and design teams at LexBlog have been upgrading and redesigning our legacy blogs to our latest software. Each member of our team will take responsibility for assigned legacy blogs each week to reach out to bloggers and editors and introduce our project and the benefits of upgrading. These benefits can range from the visual appeal of having a modern design and a blog responsive to a different desktop and mobile devices to the search engine optimization positives and ongoing software updates for security and new features.

Continue Reading Communication is Key

Just like donuts there are many preferred methods of customer service, as to what is most effective, company standards, the outlook and end result. What one persons view of successful customer service may be a complete fail to another’s, like a jelly donut. “Who in their right mind enjoys jelly donuts?”

Everybody in their lifetime